Hi guys,
Recently I have been terrible at posting and uploading videos, simply because not only have I not had the time but also I haven't had any internet. If you follow me on twitter you would know that I have recently moved house so we have been busy unpacking and making it a home. We are so happy with the new area we are living and the house itself, it was just what we were looking for.
I love so many things about blogging but one thing that gets me down is the pressure to post at least 3-4 a week and keep up with the 'larger' bloggers who are lucky enough to be able to write about their passion for their day job. It would be amazing to be in that position, however I've felt taking a break from the internet and appreciating other areas of my life has put things into perspective for me. I will still post as much as I can, like I said I have so many ideas (my trip to Paris, reviews, videos, favourites) but I'm not going to put that pressure on myself anymore. This will always be a main hobby for me, which allows me to connect with so many amazing people, but I'm going to start concentrating on some other hobbies too and post if and when I can.
Thank you so much for subscribing to my blog/youtube and interacting with me via various social platforms - that is something that always makes my day and I never take for granted. Hopefully I will speak to you soon! xxx