Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Lifestyle: The Little Things #1

This is the first post I've done of this type but considering I've been quite absent from my blog and it is a lifestyle blog as well as for beauty, I thought I would write a little life update. I've been super busy with loads on my plate so I'm really looking forward to Christmas (although it will be full of dissertation work) to relax a little in a warm, cosy house and spend some quality time with family and friends. So what have I been up to?

001. Firstly, I've had so much uni work piled on top of me and have quite a few essay deadlines to meet. It makes it difficult to keep in touch with friends away from Uni and have a social life, but I've been trying to make an extra effort - half hour phone call with a friend can really help you to feel less stressed.

002. I've also been busy applying for a PGCE for primary education which has been hanging over my head for a while. I've wanted to be a teacher for so long so although I know teaching is becoming very competitive to get into I'm hoping it will work out as it is something I'm really passionate about.

003. Christmas! I've desperately been trying to think of gifts to get everyone and make sure I have enough of my budget to make sure everyone gets something lovely which they deserve. I've got some general ideas so I just need to stop putting off buying things and just do it as it will be a weight off my shoulders! I'm thinking of doing some crafty, home made gifts too which I will be sure to post about nearer the time.

004. Matt's move to London. You might remember he started a brand new job a few months back, which is his first ever full time job. He did so well to get it and has been working really hard, but has had nowhere proper to live and sort his things out. He has finally sorted out a flat so we spent the whole weekend down in Exeter collecting his things and spending time with his family then back up to London to move in and go on a big trip to TK Maxx and Ikea (which is incredible!) It was a super busy weekend but was definitely work it :)

005. Finally, I got my hair done! Matt's Mum is a hairdresser and she re-did my highlights for me and chopped off a good couple of inches. My hair was quite long but it really needed a cut as I hadn't in a while. I really like the out come although it is weird getting used to the length!

Although I feel like there has been lots of stresses in my life at the moment, I thought I'd make a list of the things that I'm really grateful for at the moment as its easy to forget the small things:

* Handwritten letters from my Grandma and Granddad through the post.
* Hot drinks on cold, rainy days.
* Hot water bottles!
* Scented Christmas candles.
* Surprise flowers delivered to my door.
* A great group of friends I've known for years.
* The opportunity to go to Uni and make new memories with fantastic people (and also meet Matt!)
* Wrapping up warm in scarfs and ear muffs.
* Sing alongs in the car with Matt.
* Every page view, comment and follower I get on my blog.
* An advent calender from Matt's mum.

I really enjoyed writing this post and it has helped me put things into perspective! What have you been up to recently? What are you grateful for today? xxx


  1. I love the pictures!XXX
    Check out my blog to enter two giveaways!

    1. thanks, the top one is from my instagram. You can check serach for it here: lilmisslifestyle xx


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